Sunday, October 4, 2009

Wants to pack her bags!

Linda had a good day, her nurse said he's surprised at how quickly she's getting stronger with standing and walking. She's nowhere near back to normal, but he said it can come back quickly once it starts. Words of encouragement!

The best part of the day was she remembered something she asked me to bring Saturday, right when I walked in she asked without being prompted! I hope this means her post-aneurysm memory is getting back on track.

We talked (yes, talked! She's able to talk thru her trach now, even without the Passy-Muir valve) about going to the rehab center, getting out of ICU. I think she's excited. She asked for me to pack up her clothes, pictures and magazines into her suit case! I told her and she knows she's not going to leave for at least a few days, but I think its her way of saying "I'm ready!"

The feeding tube is probably going to go away soon, based on how well she's doing with swallowing/breathing. We're all ready for that, sooner the better.

That's all for now, thanks for your prayers and support.


  1. It is so heartening to read of Linda's progress. That's for the continued posts.

    Please tell Linda that Ron at NSIDC says hello.

    I'm just waiting for the right day to come so that I can come visit.

    Ron Weaver

  2. I am so happy to hear that Linda is getting better. This blog is wonderful. I am not surprised that she is progressing so well cosidering her strength and spirit. Tell her that Mike from the Allergy Center says hello.

    Mike Ashton

  3. Ron, she really is doing very well considering how devastating this can be. Thanks for your support. Keep in mind we're not really sure where she will be, since she's transitioning out of the acute care hospital to one with better therapy, so a card may be the best way for now.

    Mike, thanks for that I will tell her. She has made a lot of progress with her allergies, so thanks for that!
