Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Linda Back in Hospital

Dear Faithful Readers,

Linda was discharged from the Boulder Community Hospital rehab center on Friday, Oct. 23. The transition home was fairly exhausting for her though she did sleep some 14-16 hours within the first 24 hours of her return. This was very relieving to her since she had experienced significant difficulties getting sleep in the hospital. Saturday was spent mostly resting though she did have a visit from one of the home care nurses who walked through some minimal physical tests and paperwork. Supposedly, Linda is to have fairly regular visits from a nurse with this service to monitor her progress along with several therapists who will visit each week, several times a week for occupational, speech, and physical therapy. On Sunday she was able to get up more often and was able to get a few things for herself, take her medication, and be generally more ambulatory. She was still fairly easily fatigued as it is definitely a different story to function at home vs. the hospital. It's definitely going to be a process of healing though she is definitely remaining strong, positive, and trying to become more and more active. However ....


On Monday, we took Linda for a routine follow-up with her family doctor. Her doctor identified what she believed to be a blood clot in Linda's leg. We immediately went down to imaging for an ultrasound and the results proved that she indeed had a large cluster of blood clots. Then, on the advice and instruction of her doctor, Linda was admitted to the hospital via Emergency so that she could receive treatment for the blood clot. Originally, she was only to be there for about 24 hours, but we received news this afternoon that the doctors are worried about her blood sugar levels and want to continue monitoring her reaction to the blood thinner. So, please, prayers that she makes it over this hiccup in her recovery process. We will keep you posted when more information becomes available.

PS>Brian and I are still here at Linda's so if you need to get her a message, you can call her home and we will relay. She has really appreciated all the cards and well wishes!


  1. OMG I didn't know they kept her long. I thought she was on her way back home. Hang in there Linda (and family) the rollercoaster is a wild one but I know you will continue doing great.

  2. Sigh...again, Linda and I share a medical past! I too, had a humongous blood clot in my leg and the good news is, after 7 or so days, they usually attach to the vein walls and pose little threat.

    Please give Linda my best and if she's up to it, give me a call!
    thanks to you guys for taking good care of my friend!
