Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New trach soon

Mom was awake when I walked in and smiled when she saw me. Right away she asked to have paper and a pen, and she asked about her red purse (backpack), and I let her know that we had picked it up. We have been helping her memory by reminding her where her belongings are, and the doctors and nurses have said it is normal that she will not yet be able to remember things from day to day, due both to the trauma and some of the strong medications she’s receiving. We decided not to show her the notes she had written before, since they don’t yet help her understand what’s been happening & which things have been taken care of. It’s understandable with the sedative she’s been given.

Physical therapy went fine again today, and she stood for a short time. Doing that really tires her out. Rich, the nurse, said she might get a different trach tomorrow or Thursday which will not have the cuff so that she can speak and breathe through her nose & mouth. The nurse also gave her a small dose of a stronger pain medicine, but kept the amount low so as not to limit her ability to respond when doing exercises & cognitive testing. She was also receiving an anti-biotic for reducing any lung infection, in addition to two medications to protect against vasospasm.

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